Friday, June 17, 2011

one million things or less.

So much has happened since I last posted and it wasn't even super long ago! I wish I had been updating all along but here is a quick rundown of what is old and then I can get to what's new.

I left my upholstery job.
I got an office job and had a serious commute.
I went to NYC to vend at the Renegade Craft Fair and visit Meagan, Jason, Ashley and Justin.
I did another week of office work.
I quit the office job faster than I've ever quit anything before!
I made a plan B (more details to follow)

It has been kind of a big few weeks for me and it isn't quite over yet! This Sunday I am selling at Union Made in Somerville, MA and the best part is that it will be the first fair I helped with as an organizer! It is going to be fun. I heard there will be cookies and I am working on a sweet mix to enchant Union Square. So, be there!


D'Arcangelo said...

Union Made looks so awesome! If only it weren't scheduled during my vacation time out of state. I'm definitely keeping my eye out for the next one.

Laurie - Autobiography of Craft said...

Wow, office work is not for Elise? Well now we know, and knowing is half the battle. ;) Wish I could make Union Made, but my Dad awaits my visit on the wrong end of the state. Have fun!