Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Doily dilemma (my favorite post title yet)

My childhood basement is dark and spider-filled but full of beautiful old things so it is perfect for intense treasure hunting. It seems that whenever I visit my parents, I leave with something special. Awhile ago I found a box full of handmade doilies that were probably made by my father's first wife. My parents didn't want them so I brought them to my place and they have been collecting dust in my house now too. I really admire the detail and workmanship but I'm just stumped as to what to do to display them properly. I want to repurpose them somehow because doily's on sofas are really not my thing but I don't think I should destroy anything either.

I scanned them today and I think they look very nice. Perhaps I will make large prints of my scans to hang on the wall and keep the doilies safe in their box. I've seen lots of neat things done with doilies or inspired by them. I intended to showcase a few items that use the doily motif but I found that Holly from Decor8 already beat me to it and featured the designers I had in mind and more in her "Doily Love" post. She is good.

I'm going to leave the doilies out on my work table this week in hopes that a bolt of creativity will strike.


idyll hands said...

I'll be curious to see what you do with them. Our family has quite the doily supply and no one seems to really want them but we certainly don't feel right getting rid of them. I'd like to find some way of using them.

Unknown said...

i too am a doily fan. what a great idea to incorporate them into your art. so creative....

Ivy & Mae said...

I was doing some stuff around my house and thought *I need some Doilies."

What 28 year old thinks that?

Keep us posted for what you decide to do, the scans turned out really nice.