Monday, January 28, 2008

Gocco is for lovers

Kayla's drawing and Justin's Wii obsession have inspired me to create these two lovey designs for Valentine's Day. I have to admit that I usually don't do much for that holiday since it falls between our anniversary and Justin's birthday so I'm pretty sure Justin will be excited and surprised when he sees these. I'm giving him the "Wii belong together" print for a valentine and the "You're my Hero" print as a fan letter when he gets good enough to play Slayer on expert level.

I'm selling these in my shop for less than I normally charge for my drawings. Pricing really is the toughest part of selling art! These were sort of spur of the moment drawings and will be an open edition so I felt like they should be less. Tough call though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wii belong together is brilliant.